Muddy Fork Pump Station Roof Replacement Project |
Muddy Fork Pump Station Roof Replacement Project
Sealed Bids will be received electronically by Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District, for the construction of the Muddy Fork Pump Station Roof Replacement Project, Contract No. 17269, Budget ID No. E25047, Drawing Record No. / Sheet No. 1-7, until 10:00 AM, Local Time, Thursday, March 20, 2025, and will be publicly opened and read at that time. The public may attend the bid opening via teleconference call at 502-654-8113 (Dial-in Number) Conference ID:
883 615 634#.
MSD is using a web-based portal for accepting and evaluating bid proposals digitally at for this Invitation to Bid. Documents may be uploaded at any time during the open period indicated for each proposal.
Description and location of Project: The principal features of the Work to be performed under this Contract include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Demolition and complete removal of existing Built-Up Roof (BUR) roofing system, down to the concrete roof deck.
2. Demolition and removal of air handler as shown in drawings.
3. Demolition, relocation and replacement of select roof penetrations as shown in drawings.
4. Concrete roof deck repairs, as itemized on the Bid Form and shown in the drawings.
5. New Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) roof membrane system as shown in drawings.
6. New roof access hatch, access ladder, perimeter guardrail system and lightning protection system.
All work shall be done in accordance to MSD’s Standard Specifications.
There will be a mandatory pre-bid meeting held for this project. The mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at the Muddy Fork Pump Station, located at 2120 Indian Hills Trail, Louisville, KY 40207, on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 11:00 a.m.
The Engineer’s Construction Cost Estimate for this project is between $100,000.00 and $250,000.00.
Proposal forms, including Specifications and Instructions for Bidders, may be obtained from MSD’s designated web portal at
Persons wishing to view the bid documents may do so online at or at the following locations: Builders Exchange of Louisville, Inc., 2300 Meadow Drive; Associated Builders & Contractors of Kentuckiana, 1810 Taylor Avenue; and F. W. Dodge, 1812 Taylor Avenue; all located in Louisville, Kentucky; and the Associated General Contractors of Kentucky, 2321 Fortune Drive, Suite 112, Lexington, Kentucky.
The Project Manager for this Invitation to Bid is Julie Potempa. All inquiries and questions prior to the bid opening shall be directed, in writing, to MSD’s designated web portal at Questions received less than five days prior to the date for opening of bids may not be answered. Only answers by formal written Addenda posted on MSD’s designated web portal will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. All inquiries and questions between the bid opening and the contract awarding shall be directed, in writing, to MSD’s Chief Engineer, David W. Johnson, P.E.
MSD SUPPLIER DIVERSITY MINORITY AND WOMAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PROGRAM POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL (MBE/WBE PROGRAM) – FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS $200,000 AND GREATER for Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Woman Business Enterprise (WBE) subcontracting participation. Effective June 1, 2020, MSD has adopted and implemented the revised MSD Supplier Diversity Minority and Woman Business Enterprise Program Policy and Procedures Manual, modifying the MBE and WBE participation goals on construction services and construction-related services, in accordance with the MSD Disparity Study (Study). The Study provided the factual predicate for MSD to establish new MBE and WBE goals in MSD contracting. The MSD MBE\WBE Program modified subcontracting goals are listed below:
If selected as applicable below, the Contractor must subcontract at least 18.0% of the total amount of the Contract Bid price to certified African American minority-owned businesses, at least 2.0% of the total amount of the Contract Bid price to a certified Asian-Indian American minority-owned businesses, and at least 15.0% total amount of the Contract Bid price to certified Caucasian Female businesses. If the Contractor is unable to meet the goals, they must demonstrate adequate “GOOD FAITH EFFORTS” in accordance with the MSD Supplier Diversity Minority and Woman Business Enterprise Program Policy and Procedures Manual (MBE/WBE Program) – (see MSD MBE/WBE Program – Construction Subcontracting Goal Documents and Forms at
All inquiries and questions prior to the bid opening shall be directed, in writing, to MSD’s designated web portal at
The MSE/WBE Program is effective June 1, 2020. If selected as applicable above, the goals are as follows:
18.0% MBE – African American, 2.0% MBE – Asian-Indian American and
15.0% WBE – Caucasian Female participation respectively required for this project.
MBE and WBE businesses are encouraged to bid on this project as a prime contractor.
This MSD construction project is bid and advertised as: check applicable below
Construction Services: x
Construction-related Services:
The contract will be awarded on the basis of the lowest, responsive, responsible bid, subject to the approval of the MSD Board. MSD reserves the right to reject any or all bids or waive any informality in any bid.
David Johnson, P.E.
Chief Engineer
Rene’ Lindsay, CPPO
One Water Chief Procurement Officer
Project Location: Louisville, KY