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Lynn Imaging

25-17 / 2025 MRRP Kendall Road Area

Thu, Feb 20, 2025 2:58 PM

25-17 / 2025 MRRP Kendall Road Area

Questions: Renee Fromme

Louisville Water Company is requesting Bids for Supply and Install 1,235+/- linear feet of 6″ PC350 Ductile Iron Water Main and 225+/- linear feet of 4” Ductile Iron Water Main, using traditional trench installation techniques. Also included with the project is the supply and installation of 3 fire hydrants, and the supply and transfer, renewal, relocation, or discontinuation of 20 customer services.

Questions or inquiries relating to this project must be submitted through the Louisville Water Company web-based portal by the date and time indicated for this bid.

The Company’s Project Manager’s estimate for the Contract plus Company supplied materials for this Project is $250,001 – $$500,000. If the Company’s Project Manager’s estimate for the Contract plus Company supplied materials exceeds $250,000: a Bid Bond is required. For this Contract, a Bid Bond is required.

Bids will only be accepted from Bidders who are Louisville Water Small Business Equity (SBE) Program Participants and have been pre-qualified by the Company in the pre-qualification category or categories that apply to this Bid. This Bid requires prequalification in the following categories: 4” – 16” Ductile Iron Water Mains and 1” and Smaller Water Services. For information about the Louisville Water SBE Program or pre-qualification, contact the Company through the designated bid portal.

The Company will award the Contract to the Bidder presenting a Bid that is responsive to the Specifications, is in substantial compliance with the Contract requirements, and presents the lowest and best price for performing the Work making up the base bid and or Bid that Company determines is in the Company’s best interest, which may not necessarily be the least expensive Bid.

Bid Documents except the Bid Table may be obtained from Lynn Imaging located at 11460 Bluegrass Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40299, (502) 499-8400 and One copy of the Bid Documents (includes technical specifications and a full set of plans) will be available at no charge (not including shipping/delivery charges) to Contractors that are prequalified with Louisville Water Company in the category(ies) specified for this bid. For details regarding the charges that apply to non-prequalified contractors, go to The Bid Table is available in Microsoft Excel via download from the designated portal on Louisville Water’s electronic bidding site at

Bid Documents are also available for review at the following locations: Associated Builders and Contractors of Kentuckiana, Associated General Contractors, Builders Exchange of Louisville, Dodge Reports, Bid Tool, Louisville Enterprise Group, and Reed Construction Data. All recipients of the Bid Documents are required to sign a planholder sheet confirming receipt.

Sealed Bids shall be accepted by Louisville Water Company until 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time on the Bid Submittal Due Date cited above. Louisville Water is using a web-based portal for accepting and evaluating bid proposals digitally at for this Invitation to Bid. Documents may be uploaded at any time during the open period indicated for each bid. All bids received by the bid submittal date and time, will be unsealed electronically and publicly read via a virtual conference and or conference call. You may access the public reading by calling 502-709-7361, Conference ID: 317 611 769# at the date and time of the Bid Submittal Due Date for this Bid.

Louisville Water SBE Program Participant and pre-qualified Minority/Women Business Enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit Bids, and no Bidder will be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age (over 40), national origin, protected veteran status, or physical or mental disability which, with or without reasonable accommodation, does not prevent the performance of essential job functions.

The Company reserves the right to reject Bids from Bidders not pre-qualified and or a Louisville Water SBE Program Participant; the right to disqualify Bids deemed to be defective and/or non-responsive; the right to waive defects in Bids where the Company determines that such defects are immaterial; and the right to reject any or all Bids deemed not to be in the best interest of the Company.

Click Here for the List of Prequalified Bidders

Project Location: Louisville, Kentucky

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