RFB-166-18 KRA – Renovation of Kentucky River Lock & Dam #10
RFB-166-18 KRA – Renovation of Kentucky River Lock & Dam #10
Project Manager Name: Frank Phillips
Phone: (502) 782-0331
Estimated Length of Project:
944 (Substantial Completion) + 30 (Final Completion)
The Work shall include construction of eight 56.4 ft. diameters, concrete-filled, steel sheet pile cellular structures, and connecting arc cells. The steel sheet pile cellular structures shall be constructed along a baseline running parallel to the existing Lock and Dam No. 10, and located approximately 72.2 ft. upstream of the existing Main Dam and 222.0 ft. upstream of the existing Auxiliary Dam. The Work will also consist of site preparation, erosion control, water control with fluctuating river levels, east and west abutment tie-ins, lock wall tie-ins, concrete bulkhead wall construction across the upper lock approach, water conveyance system installation, removal of existing lock miter gates, slope construction and protection, access road improvements, selective demolition, dredging, earthwork (cut/fill) operations, site grading and restoration, tree planting, and vegetation seeding.
The west abutment features include slope regrading upstream and downstream of the new Auxiliary Dam, construction of a sheet pile cellular structure (Cell 1), an earth retaining sheet pile cutoff wall, access road improvements, and earthwork and regrading. Part of the work is on Kentucky Department of Parks’ property, which is adjacent to the subject property. As such, the OWNER has secured agreements to allow certain construction activities and permanent features on the property.
East abutment features include slope reshaping upstream and downstream of the new Main Dam, construction of a rectangular East Closure Cell, a sheet pile cellular structure (Cell 8), and a sheet pile cutoff wall.
Modifications to the upper lock approach consist of constructing an extension to the existing lock needle dam sill (including rock anchors for stability), installation of a stop log dewatering system, and a new concrete bulkhead wall with a sluice gate water conveyance system.
Demolition Work shall include full or partial demolition of the following existing structures: Auxiliary Dam, West Abutment features, Upper Guide Wall, Upper Guard Wall, Upper and Lower Lock Wingwall. The CONTRACTOR may use the area within the Work Limits shown on the Drawings for laydown, equipment storage, personnel parking, and construction activities. However, activities must adhere to the requirements within the Drawings and Specifications, and certain activities may be restricted. The CONTRACTOR shall refer to the SPECIAL CONDITIONS for access requirements. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain access to Lock and Dam No. 10 throughout construction and is responsible for repair of any damage due to CONTRACTOR activities on roads leading to the project site. It is assumed that work on the east side of the river can be performed with access only from the river. Should the CONTRACTOR desire access via land on the east side of the river, agreements for such provisions with other stakeholders are the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.
The CONTRACTOR’S Work shall include site safety, maintenance of local traffic, water control, site security, and site cleanup.
The estimated quantities for the Work are listed on the Drawings, and are estimates only. This list is not intended to be exhaustive, but is a general list of significant aspects of the Work. The CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for performing its own quantity computations for bidding and construction purposes.
The OWNER has secured the land to the west of the west abutment for on-site fill placement. As such, the designed capacity of the fill placement area was developed to accommodate a significant amount of the estimated quantity of dredged, demolished, and/or excavated material during construction. It is the CONTRACTOR’S responsibility to perform its own quantity computations and identify and secure off-site disposal area(s) if needed. Certain materials are not acceptable for placement within the fill area. In particular, trash, timber cribbing debris, lead paint, or other deleterious materials will not be allowed in the fill area and shall be disposed off-site in an approved location suitable for such materials.
Project Location: Madison